Gender Pay Gap Reporting - Background

In 2017, the UK government introduced legislation that made it statutory for organisations with 250 or more employees to report annually on their gender pay gap. Laleham are committed to the fair treatment and reward off all staff and ensuring equality of opportunity for all staff.

The gender pay gap shows the difference in the average pay between all men and women in a workforce. The gender pay gap is different to equal pay.  Equal pay deals with the pay differences between men and women who carry out the same jobs, similar jobs, or work of equal value.  It is unlawful to pay people unequally because they are a man or a woman.

We are confident that men and women at Laleham are paid equally for doing equivalent jobs across our business. Laleham’s diverse workforce has a 59:41 split between males and females. The impact of this demographic shape contributes to the pay and bonus gap outlined below.

The following data relates to the reporting period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.

What impacts the gender pay and bonus gap at Laleham?

The demographic of our workforce is the key factor in shaping our gender pay gaps. The key driving factors are: 

  • An increase of females in the upper quartile leading to a more even distribution of females across each quartile. 
  • Management bonus plans are structured as a % of salary and more men are in higher-paid management roles.

Laleham’s gender pay gap 2023


Mean pay (per hour)


Median pay (per hour)



Number of Males and Females in each pay quartile




Band A (lowest)



Band B



Band C



Band D (highest)





Mean bonus


Median bonus






Proportion that received bonus



Continued monitoring

We recognise the importance of promoting a diverse workplace that creates opportunities for our employees to progress. While it is inevitable that there will be a gap (either in favour of men or in favour of women), this data will be helpful to us in:

  • Addressing any levels of gender inequality in our workplace.
  • Understanding the balance of males and females at different levels and functions.
  • Identifying appropriate actions to promote diversity.

We are committed to ongoing analysis and monitoring of pay and to ensuing we can offer diverse and suitable opportunities for our people.

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Our Accreditations

Laleham is a highly accredited, quality facility providing MHRA, FDA and ISO-13485 accreditation among others.

ISO 22716
Soil Association - Organic Standard

We’re part of Europe’s leading health and beauty providers.

Laleham Health & Beauty is part of
DCC Health & Beauty Solutions, of DCC Plc